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January 27, 2025
Debunking Nutrition Myths Pt. 1
“Carbs are bad”
Carbs are the brain and body’s main source of fuel! Your body needs carbohydrates. There are two different types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Complex carbs are more nutrient dense but both can be consumed in a balanced diet. Simple carbohydrates are foods like white bread, cookies, frozen waffles, chips, cookies, etc. Simple carbs are simple because they only contain one or two sugar molecules. They don’t really provide anything other than carbs. Complex carbohydrates are things like whole grain foods, starchy vegetables, beans and legumes. They are complex because the sugar molecule chain is longer and they contain other things like fiber, vitamins and minerals. Simple carbohydrates are not inherently bad. They may cause a quick blood sugar spike and drop if eaten alone, causing us to be hungry pretty quickly after eating them. The best thing to do is to pair carbohydrates with fats and/or protein to slow down digestion.
“Fruit is bad because of all the sugar”
Like the last myth said, the body needs carbs and fruit contains carbs. Fruit also has a ton of fiber that slows down the digestion of the sugar as well as a ton of vitamins and minerals the body needs to function. Fruit is not bad!
“Skipping meals helps you lose weight”
Skipping meals only yields weight loss if you are in a calorie deficit. If you eat in a surplus in two meals, it doesn’t matter if you skipped breakfast that day, you will still gain weight. Your body doesn’t know the time of day, it only knows if you ate more or less calories than it expended. Skipping a meal is not the magic answer to weight loss.
“High fat foods are bad”
Foods containing fat can be very beneficial for a few reasons. One being that it keeps you satiated. Another being that it helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K as well as omega-3s. It is also important for women who menstruate to be getting enough fat in their diet. This is because fat is an important building block for the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which help regulate periods as well as other functions. It is important for the hormone health of men and non menstruating women as well.